Thursday, January 15, 2009

At work again..

So as the title says, I am at work again, hence the entry... Since I've graduated, I haven't done much. I am currently enrolled in a cake decorating class (if the cakes turn out nice, I'll post pics lol). Besides that I work 4 days of the week. My life is pretty boring. But thats not the point of this entry.

Tonight I am working with a middle aged woman. Most of the night time secretaries are in their twenties. This woman, lets call her Jane, Jane is older than the day time secretaries, Jane is probably in her late 40's, she is single, no children (no one knows if she has ever been married) and she lives with her mother. Which is not a problem, HERE is the problem... Jane is not only LAZY, she acts as if she is the boss, and technically we (the other night time secretaries) are her seniors, since we've been here longer than her. She orders (not asks.. ORDERS) us to do things, when she is doing absolutely nothing! Beyond that... when she needs help, naturally she asks BUT when you explain to her she responds "yeah yeah yeah ok I get it" before you can finish explaining...soo whats the point of asking?

For an older woman who has experience in this field of work, she doesn't seem to know what shes doing! She takes HOURS (I am not exaggerating) on data entry work, which takes myself and the other secretaries 30 minutes (maximum) to do.

Above all, she always eats at her desk, which is fine but she CHEWS LIKE A COW, and its sooo loud it makes me cringe! Sometimes I think she secretly does things to drive people insane. She often talks to herself or reads things aloud, but in a soft quiet tone, almost like shes muttering..its rather annoying! Today she decided to play with her pen, she has been clicking it for 5minutes now, I want to stick that pen up her nose!

Other secretaries have actually requested NOT to be scheduled with her, and shes been talked to many times. And you would think, as a grown adult she would take responsibility... but NO she blames other people, as if she was a 6 year old child. This woman is WHACK.

I dislike her very much. I hope she quits or gets fired!

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