Thursday, December 18, 2008


Growing up, next to my birthday Christmas had always been the most exciting holiday of the year, it was always exciting to put up the tree and decorate it. As a kidI would beg my parents to put up the tree and I would go hang the stockings and my parents would decorate the lights. I even went as far as decorating my staircase, which no one saw (unless they came into the house), and I would always wake up super early on Christmas day with my family to open gifts. But as I got older I grew to hate this holiday more and more.

I think it started in grade 11 or 12? I can't remember. I just remember bad things happening around Christmas, not like life changing bad things, but just little things that added up to make me remember the season as angry, fights, and unhappiness.

Even the presents don't help, it's no longer exciting to unwrap my gifts. Maybe I just grew up? or Christmas for me is just a time for fighting and unnecessary drama. I have even made an effort to try to like Christmas again. But I still can't find anything to like about it. It's a rather depressing time of year for me. I'll still try to make the most of it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snowy Roads

There's one thing that really boggles my mind... Why are the lines on the road white? because when you think about it, its probably the stupidest idea ever! Especially in the winter. SNOW IS WHITE and so is ROAD SALT, so driving at night, in the middle of a snow storm, is extremely difficult! We seriously need better transportation planners.

I personally DESPISE slow drivers (on a perfectly normal day), but I totally understand winter driving is difficult so please drive slow and be safe (no sarcasm). And forgive me if I am driving about 10km under the speed limit.

Of course there are those idiots who have a pair of snow tires and think they are invincible, To those CRAZY drivers out there who tail me or cut me off when its a DOWN HILL SLOPE: YOU PEOPLE ARE INSANE! Clearly some North Americans do not understand the dangers of winter driving. If you are in a rush (unless your significant other is in labor) PLAN AHEAD! DON'T drive like a maniac and harm others!

I just like to point out, the snow/weather really isn't the cause of traffic accidents its CRAZY "I THINK I AM INVINCIBLE" Drivers!

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Last night I had my second last exam of my undergraduate education. It wouldn't have been hard if I had study (go figure), but I think I did decent. And I will graduate with a decent mark in that class.

At the end of the exam, the professor returned our final papers, my classmates and I stood around outside the exam room looking over our papers, I did well (I got an A), which I am happy with because considering how after the exam my mark will not likely be and A anymore.

One of my classmates who I am not friends with, but we're acquainted (I don't even know his name), approached me and asked "Did you get a really high mark?" I am not one to disclose my marks to my classmates, because I feel that it is purposeless. If my classmate did better than me, I would be sad right? and if I did better than my classmate, they would be sad. So we can avoid all this sadness if people just never disclosed their marks. A simple "I did well" or "I didn't do so well" will suffice.

So I tell my classmate, "I did well". And he asks "oh how well?" to keep the story short, he basically kept harassing me about it. And I figured oh what the heck, I will probably never see this guy again! So I told him I got an A (hoping that it ends his 21 questions!) but noo, he goes on to ask "what is you mark going into the exam?" So I told him that my mark going into the exam is an A.

Now heres the best part of the story...

My classmate's response was "WOW! You've been getting ALL 70's!" and I was really confused because we go to the same school, where A= 80+ and I gave him a funny look and he turned over to his friends and said "SHE'S BEEN GETTING ALL 70's" and the all looked as if I had won the lottery.. at that point I didn't bother to explain to them that 70's are really B's. I guess him and his friends have never gotten A's or they have mistaken 70's for A's for FOUR YEARS!

Sometimes 4th Year university students surprise me!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Nothing New

Really, there is nothing new... my exam is tonight at 7pm, and I seriously need to be studying! But the internet is preventing me from studying. Last night I wasted 2 hrs online shopping! Wish me luck on my exam!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Not so 'creepy' neighbours

About 4 months ago my neighbours (now ex-neighbours) told us they were moving, and have rented out their current house. Shortly after, the tenants moved in. I should point out, my neighbourhood is not like some sitcom neighbourhood (like Desperate Housewives) where everyone knows each other and walks over to have a cup of coffee. In my neighbourhood people are rarely outdoors, and no one even waves at each other and I have been living in my neighbourhood for over 20 years, and I know probably less than 5 families on my street.

So as I was saying, the tenants moved in. I really don't know much about them, except for the fact that they are a LARGE family (multiple nuclear families, probably 2) they smoke a lot, and someone in that household is a contractor (because of their huge truck that sits on the street). Basically we've never spoken. And they've always given me the heebie jeebies.

Today I had to shovel my driveway which can fit 2 or 3 cars, so its not exactly huge, nor is it exactly tiny. There wasn't a lot of snow, BUT it was raining, and if you live somewhere where it snows, you know how heavy wet snow is... So there I was, struggling to shovel the driveway, I honestly had to take a break every 5 mins because the snow was so heavy! And then suddenly one of the many people that live next door to me, came over and offered me help! He was actually really nice, and I was kinda surprised. He tried to have a conversation, but I was totally out of breath from all the snow shoveling, I kinda felt bad. But the point is, my neighbours, or just the one that helped me shovel the driveway, is not so creepy after all!

oh and I should mention, even with his help it took me 1hr to shovel my entire driveway.
I hate winter

Monday, December 8, 2008

Discussion Forum UPDATE

MAYBE, just MAYBE my professor saw my blog, and she final posted responses. She also put an entry saying she was "out of town for the past few days, and had no internet access". Some people are SO irresponsible!
I guess I should return to my studies, I have a feeling I could do bad on this one! =\

Discussion Forum

I think we all know the purpose of an online discussion forum is to post questions, comments, etc and anticipate a response... ESPECIALLY if this is an online discussion forum for a university course final exam!
I don't really have any questions for my professor, everyone has a different studying style right? But I do check the forum, which has been up for about a week now, and the professor stated the purpose of the forum was so the entire class can see everyones questions and the professors response. Rather than the use of individual emails, which is a pretty good idea, since it saves the professor time, from answering multiple students who ask generally the same questions.
By now, the forum is flooded (I check just in case theres something important that will help me in the exam)... let me rephrase, by now the forum is flooded by students questions...and the professor has YET TO RESPOND! I should also note the exam is 2 days, on WEDNESDAY AT 9AM! No wonder the current class average is 60%...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Reply All

So finals are right around the corner, and being smart students that we are, my fellow classmates have decided to divide up the class readings and share the notes amongst the nine of us, since NONE of us have read any of them (I've only read one article..).
I get an email with the list of readings, and the sender asks us to write our names beside the reading we wish to make notes on. Being the keener that I am, I immediately respond picking the ONLY article I've read during the semester. (I should mention I hit the "reply all" button)
A few minutes later, a classmate of mine replies... stating she wants to do the SAME article... which makes me wonder... CAN'T SHE READ?! (I should mention, she is a fob...not that I have problem with fobs)
Thankfully the sender kindly reminded the illiterate classmate that the article has already been chosen.

Oh how I love exams!
Back to studying!

Byebye Girl_

I work at an after hour office, pretty boring, I know. So I have no choice but to amuse myself with other things, when I am not working on my papers. Not many people come into the offices after 5pm, but there are they few occasional ones. There is this one woman, who appears to be desperate and lonely. Don't get me wrong, she is a nice woman. Just...weird. She comes in every night after 5pm. This woman literally FOLLOWS people around the office just so she can talk to them, until people start running away. I once saw a man run into the male bathroom, I'm almost positive he didn't actually need to use the bathroom. He just went in to hide from her. AND she actually followed him until the door (true story). And of course she speaks broken English... EVERY single night when shes leaving she goes "byebye Girl" (there is ALWAYS two secretaries working...) and I always have suppress my laughter, one day if I am brave enough I will yell out "GIRLSSSSSSSSSSSS". But I don't want to hurt her feelings...

I've Moved!

I moved my blog to here! Welcome! :)
and I have reposted previous blogs, Enjoy!