Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Not so 'creepy' neighbours

About 4 months ago my neighbours (now ex-neighbours) told us they were moving, and have rented out their current house. Shortly after, the tenants moved in. I should point out, my neighbourhood is not like some sitcom neighbourhood (like Desperate Housewives) where everyone knows each other and walks over to have a cup of coffee. In my neighbourhood people are rarely outdoors, and no one even waves at each other and I have been living in my neighbourhood for over 20 years, and I know probably less than 5 families on my street.

So as I was saying, the tenants moved in. I really don't know much about them, except for the fact that they are a LARGE family (multiple nuclear families, probably 2) they smoke a lot, and someone in that household is a contractor (because of their huge truck that sits on the street). Basically we've never spoken. And they've always given me the heebie jeebies.

Today I had to shovel my driveway which can fit 2 or 3 cars, so its not exactly huge, nor is it exactly tiny. There wasn't a lot of snow, BUT it was raining, and if you live somewhere where it snows, you know how heavy wet snow is... So there I was, struggling to shovel the driveway, I honestly had to take a break every 5 mins because the snow was so heavy! And then suddenly one of the many people that live next door to me, came over and offered me help! He was actually really nice, and I was kinda surprised. He tried to have a conversation, but I was totally out of breath from all the snow shoveling, I kinda felt bad. But the point is, my neighbours, or just the one that helped me shovel the driveway, is not so creepy after all!

oh and I should mention, even with his help it took me 1hr to shovel my entire driveway.
I hate winter

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