Saturday, December 13, 2008


Last night I had my second last exam of my undergraduate education. It wouldn't have been hard if I had study (go figure), but I think I did decent. And I will graduate with a decent mark in that class.

At the end of the exam, the professor returned our final papers, my classmates and I stood around outside the exam room looking over our papers, I did well (I got an A), which I am happy with because considering how after the exam my mark will not likely be and A anymore.

One of my classmates who I am not friends with, but we're acquainted (I don't even know his name), approached me and asked "Did you get a really high mark?" I am not one to disclose my marks to my classmates, because I feel that it is purposeless. If my classmate did better than me, I would be sad right? and if I did better than my classmate, they would be sad. So we can avoid all this sadness if people just never disclosed their marks. A simple "I did well" or "I didn't do so well" will suffice.

So I tell my classmate, "I did well". And he asks "oh how well?" to keep the story short, he basically kept harassing me about it. And I figured oh what the heck, I will probably never see this guy again! So I told him I got an A (hoping that it ends his 21 questions!) but noo, he goes on to ask "what is you mark going into the exam?" So I told him that my mark going into the exam is an A.

Now heres the best part of the story...

My classmate's response was "WOW! You've been getting ALL 70's!" and I was really confused because we go to the same school, where A= 80+ and I gave him a funny look and he turned over to his friends and said "SHE'S BEEN GETTING ALL 70's" and the all looked as if I had won the lottery.. at that point I didn't bother to explain to them that 70's are really B's. I guess him and his friends have never gotten A's or they have mistaken 70's for A's for FOUR YEARS!

Sometimes 4th Year university students surprise me!

1 comment:

jsnflk said...

wowww....i hate people who are like that. that harass. then i tell them i don't share marks, and my answer is always 'fine' for my mark. as long as i'm fine with it you don't need to know biznatch!

and wow..70's ...what's does 80's or 90's constitue?? morons.