Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Reply All

So finals are right around the corner, and being smart students that we are, my fellow classmates have decided to divide up the class readings and share the notes amongst the nine of us, since NONE of us have read any of them (I've only read one article..).
I get an email with the list of readings, and the sender asks us to write our names beside the reading we wish to make notes on. Being the keener that I am, I immediately respond picking the ONLY article I've read during the semester. (I should mention I hit the "reply all" button)
A few minutes later, a classmate of mine replies... stating she wants to do the SAME article... which makes me wonder... CAN'T SHE READ?! (I should mention, she is a fob...not that I have problem with fobs)
Thankfully the sender kindly reminded the illiterate classmate that the article has already been chosen.

Oh how I love exams!
Back to studying!

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