Monday, December 8, 2008

Discussion Forum

I think we all know the purpose of an online discussion forum is to post questions, comments, etc and anticipate a response... ESPECIALLY if this is an online discussion forum for a university course final exam!
I don't really have any questions for my professor, everyone has a different studying style right? But I do check the forum, which has been up for about a week now, and the professor stated the purpose of the forum was so the entire class can see everyones questions and the professors response. Rather than the use of individual emails, which is a pretty good idea, since it saves the professor time, from answering multiple students who ask generally the same questions.
By now, the forum is flooded (I check just in case theres something important that will help me in the exam)... let me rephrase, by now the forum is flooded by students questions...and the professor has YET TO RESPOND! I should also note the exam is 2 days, on WEDNESDAY AT 9AM! No wonder the current class average is 60%...

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